How to Came out of NPA Status Permanently

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NPA account is like a nightmare, but it is sure that one can pass this night also. Best way to pass this nightmare, to get a loan or finance or Takeover of NPA account in some other lenders company.

But, people feel financing their NPA as the most hard thing as they never dealt this kind of situation before and they are also new to Loan process for NPA account. But, we will let you know, how you can came out of this NPA Status Permanently. Kindly focus on the following point :

OTS or One Time Settlement with the bank/NBFC is the beneficial for borrower
OTS can be applied directly, without any external help
OTS Financing or Outstanding NPA Finance is a possibility
NPA account finance works in a way like: Transfer of NPA Account in new lenders Company
Takeover of NPA Account can be done in a registered company & under RBI Compliance
You require a financial consultant to help you in this financing, because he knows about this market and have ready contacts for this.
Choose a Financial Consultant who is well versed & knowledgeable on the subject
Give him complete clarity of your case & provide all documents & information required
Most important ; Take this funding as Bridge Funding
Taking this financing, borrower get rid of the NPA Status instantly, but cibil score is still an issue
But, Track record or repayment of this new loan will improve your cibil also. Usually, cibil updates on every quarter. So it will take around a year to improve cibil score.
Good repayment with this new lender is also very helpful
Second Round of Finance : Now, after a year try for second round of funding in some regular NBFC or Bank
Improved Cibil score is very helpful in this second round of financing, while good repayment schedule will give confidence to this lender or NBFC/Bank in giving approval.
In this second round, you can also get working capital at some good rates and different financial products needed in business
Now at this stage, you are permanently free of all NPA issues.

Click Here to fund your NPA Account