OTS (Case Study)

Life is full of challenges; one of them is NPA situation. This comes when someone defaults in bank or nbfc loan. This is very critical as it kills few years from progress of professional life and financial progress. It also kills the huge amount of money in terms of heavy interest & charges levied by […]

NPA One Time Settlement with the Bank NBFC

How to Came out of NPA Status Permanently Click Here to fund your NPA Account NPA account is like a nightmare, but it is sure that one can pass this night also. Best way to pass this nightmare, to get a loan or finance or Takeover of NPA account in some other lenders company. But, […]

Case Study- Takeover of NPA Account from ARC Company

Here, we are sharing case study of one of our client located in Mumbai. Client was running a business of manufacturing high class TMT steel bars of 550D. Business started in year 2011 and they were really doing the good turnover of Rs.210 cr in year 2015 with good margins. They also availed loan facilities […]

Builder Finance or Builder Funding in India – Fund Source

Can we get a Loan for Real Estate Projects or Loan for Builders or Finance for Real Projects in IndiaThese are above^ questions which are now common in minds of Real Estate Developers in India these days or might be they are struggling for the same. Click Here to get Construction Loan As Real Estate […]

What is One Time Settlement (OTS)

What is One Time Settlement (OTS) OTS is a tool widely used by banks to reduce NPA from its book. But, above that it is also beneficial for NPA Clients. Bank can offer or may be requested by client to lower down the total outstanding in NPA account under OTS, so client can pay off […]